Open your heart
It’s time to ditch the apps, try the new serendiptious and romantic way to date.
or read on to find out more...

A new way to date

Bringing the magic back into dating

We’ve become so accustomed to dating apps. They’re fun and exciting but can quickly become exhausting and impersonal. “You missed a like”– they aren’t designed to be deleted, they’re designed to leave you wanting more.

People you pass by | Heart Handout

Everyday, we pass by people who might be great matches. With everyone focused on their phones or jamming to music, it’s become increasingly difficult to approach those new conversations.

Hand out a heart card | Heart Handout

So we created a Heart Handout – a real, physical like, that you can personalise and give to someone who you appreciate when you pass by. It’s beautiful, serendipitous and romantic.

Step-by-step instructions

How does it work?

1. Three Word Compliment

Notice someone you like? Think of a three word compliment or opener, such as “Love your style”, “Coffee together?” Then take out your Heart Handout and write on the top of the blank side of the card.

Filling out a Heart Handout Halfway | Heart Handout
2. Your Contact Details (Optional)

Then write your number down followed by your name, such as “07839402450 Freddie x”. This bit is optional if you want to remain anonymous. Platonic hearts are also a thing!

Filling out a Heart Handout | Heart Handout
3. Hand it to them when you leave

When you are about to leave, whether it’s public transport, a restaurant or a park – approach them, smile, look them in the eyes and hand them the card with the heart facing up, saying “this is for you”. And then walk away.

4. Don’t wait up

Once you’ve given someone a heart, walk away and don’t wait for their response. It’s meant to be spontaneous and exciting – without any strings attached – allowing the person to make up their own mind.

How to respond

What to do if you receive a heart?

Way to go! Hopefully you are feeling pretty good about yourself, here are few different suggestions depending on how you’re feeling:

Get in touch with them directly

Fancy them back? Then send them a message or give them a call. There’s no time like the present.

Leave them an anonymous message

If you appreciated the gesture but don’t want to take things further then say thanks via our free anonymous reply service. Click here to reply anonymously now

Don’t do anything

Totally ok! The whole point of Heart Handouts is that they are meant to spontaneous and exciting, there’s no need to respond if you aren’t interested.

Hey, I want some hearts!

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© 2023 Heart Handout
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